Saturday 25 July 2015

Everyday Skin Care Routine - Day & Night

My skin care routine is always changing, I always find new products that I want to try out, but I thought i'd share with you the current products that I am loving for my skin at the moment...

These 4 products I use every day when I wake up and they make my skin feel amazing no matter how tired I am, and also help me to feel more awake and refreshed in the mornings!

The first thing that I do when I wake up, is wash my face with the FACEB4 'Anti-bacterial face wash'* - this is a 2 in 1 cleanser & toner and is the 'UK's most effective anti-bacterial face wash'. This beauty has only recently come in to my routine, but after only using it for a week I knew that it was going to be a staple in my skin care. The last month or so i've had real trouble with spots, I don't usually get that many spots (touch wood) but it seems for the last few weeks i've had the worst ones ever! Honestly, since i've started using this face wash they have been so much better and I haven't seemed to be getting them anymore. So, thank you FACEB4!

The next thing that I do is put some Liz Earle 'Instant boost skin tonic' on to a cotton pad and wipe it all over my face. I've mentioned this product before I think like 2 years ago or something! But I am still loving it, it instantly makes my skin feel refreshed in the mornings and makes it seem so much more radiant.

After my face is feeling all refreshed and clean, I put on the Origins 'GinZing' eye cream under my eyes where I have dark circles. This stuff is amaaazing, it genuinely brightens your eyes instantly and helps to disguise dark circles and just makes you look more alive in the mornings so if I want to pop out with no make up on I look less zombie-like.

Last but not least, I apply the Benefit 'Total Moisture' facial cream. I think what I like most about this is the smell... It just smells so clean and fresh! It also makes my skin feel so soft. I have combination skin, and this is perfect as it doesn't leave my really shiny, but also makes my dry bits really moisturized. I put this on just before I go and have my breakfast so that it soaks in before I apply my make up. Again, I've been using this for ages and absolutely love it! I have nearly run out though and would quite like to try something different so if anyone has any suggestions please let me know :)

I used to be so lazy when it came to skin care before bed. I used to grab a make up wipe, half heartedly take my face off and sometimes put some moisturizer on if I could be bothered... But my skin always felt terrible and I can 100% tell the difference between my skin then and now and can't believe I used to be so careless!

First of all to take my make up off I use the No.7 'Beautiful Skin' hot cloth cleanser. It's a lot more effort than using a make up wipe, but it leaves your skin feeling so soft. I have always been a fan of the Liz Earle cleanse & polish hot cloth cleanser, but after I ran out I decided to give this one ago. It's a lot cheaper than the Liz Earle one and apart from the smell I think it's just as good. It leaves my skin feeling great!

I then use the Origins 'Dr. Andrew Weil Mega-Bright Dark Circle Minimizer'. I've just got a sample of this at the moment as it is quite pricey. I know I use an origins eye cream in the morning, but that is more for instant radiance, rather than being an eye cream that will help dark circles in the long run, which is exactly what this one does. I've been using it for a few months now (the sample has lasted me ages!) and I have noticed a difference in my dark circles and am very sure that I will be purchasing it when I have run out. You only need a tiny bit each day so it will last forever!

I then use my Benefit moisturizer again before I go to bed :)

I hope that I haven't rambled on too much and that maybe this has helped some of you if you have been thinking about trying any of these products! Let me know what you are loving skin-care wise or if you have tried any of these.

Have a good weekend,


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