Wednesday 29 January 2014

Early night for me!

Hello everyone!
 I've not really been feeling myself lately... I think a massive reason for this is the rubbish English weather we've been having :( Bring the sun now please! But also I have soo much college work to be done but can't motivate myself to do it at all! I've been super busy the last couple of weeks and tonight is one of the first nights in ages that I can have an early night with a hot chocolate and catch up on a good nights sleep! (Might even slip a face mask in there aswell, which always helps) and I get to sleep with this little cutie! My cat Domino is such an old man now all he does is sleep haha so he is all ready to join me in bed! And my amazing Sully toy which I got from Disneyland when I was about 8, I luuuurv him, he will forever be my favourite Disney character! 

I hope everyone is having a good week :)

What do you do when you're having a night in?



  1. Hi dear, I adore your blog and love the layout, I hope we can follow each other, if you decided to follow me on BLOGLOVIN, please let me know so I can follow you back. xoxo

  2. Sounds like a case of the January blues, don't worry you're not the only one! I can't wait for any signs of spring to come along! xx

  3. I have a bit of a crush on this photo - your cat, bed sheets and Sully toy are so cute! I hope you're feeling better now.



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