Saturday, 19 April 2014

Free From Frizz 6 Week Blowout

A few years ago I had a brazilian blow dry and was so pleased with how straight and unfrizzy it made my hair, so when I saw the Free from Frizz 6 week blowout, I couldn't wait to try it. I have reaaaally frizzy hair, (and I mean really frizzy) so whenever I see a product that claims to ban frizz, I am the first to try it. The treatment that I used was the Mango one, for thick/coarse hair, at first I wasn't 100% sure what to expect from this and what exactly it did. After applying the treatment and straightening my hair - my hair felt amazing! It was so soft and shiny and not frizzy whatsoever, just like when I had my brazilian blowdry. It took around 2-3 hours to complete the treatment, but it depends on how much your hair needs straightening.


Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Eyeko Lash Curlers

For since I can remember, I always thought that all eyelash curlers were the same and it didn't matter which ones I used. And so, I've been using Superdrug's cheap and cheerful ones for the last few years. However, I spotted this Eyeko freebie with Instyle magazine this month and had to buy them! Can I just say how wrong I was about all eyelash curlers being the same! These Eyeko ones are easier to use and just feel a lot better quality, I think they retail for about £12 so for £3.90 it's a massive bargain! I use them before applying my mascara (which is Benefit's they're real incase you wanted to know) and they seem to stay curled, unlike my other ones which I tended to use again after my mascara had dried. Also, they are limited edition blue velvet ones and the handles are soo pretty! I would definitely recommend you go and buy them for £3.90 especially as there's loads of good hair samples in Instyle this month as well. Good bye Superdrug eyelash curlers!
(This photo doesn't really do them any justice as my eyelashes are having a bit of a rubbish month, does anyone else get this?!)

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